Tobias Samuel Morgan
♂ He / Him
🜲 52
5ft 11in
Blue Heeler
Tobi is happily married to Penny ! There are very few of my AUs or stories where these two do not find eachother.
Tobi can be easily misread as a gruff, unapproachable man. He has a scowl plastered on his rested face, chunks ripped out of a grizzled ear and a large maw, containing two rows of sharp teeth (one even replaced with a gold replioca after a mishap)Tobi was blessed with braun, not brains. He never found it in himself to pretend he was smart. He's open with the fact hes a simple farmer, who really wishes he would wake up and it would be 1985 again, when things made atleast a little sense to him.Despite this, he finds his place in this strange world in being a protector. Being a dumb dog is a lot easier when you have some smart people around that can stand up for you. Being an angry dog is mighty useful to them when other brauny types think they can throw their weight around.Fighting makes ya look stupid. Like you let your anger give in. Tobi doesnt mind looking stupid, if its for a good reason.
Can I comission NSFW featuring Tobi with my OC?
If it’s a sex act together, no! However I’m open to some couple focused settings with friends! (Two couples in the same room, being watched, mutual activities etc!)
Can I comission SFW featuring Tobi with my OC?
Friends only please :)
Can I draw Tobi?
I would love that! If it is NSFW please follow my rules above for NSFW commissions!
Can I write about Tobi?
This is reserved for friends! Tobi is a very outwardly NSFW character, and I don't want this to be misconstrued in written / longer form media. This is for trusted friends who I feel grasp his personality!